Slamat TinggaL Sayang.......

You returned yesterday morning and you left this afternoon.. yet again .. now to rescue the underwater cables back in Taiwan.
30hrs.. thats the timeframe we had. As I kissed your hand, u kissed mine and look me deep in the eyes and said, " I'll come home to you,Dear. Its gonna be November real soon." You didnt see my sunken,swollen eyes behind the sunglasses. I blinked back my tears , tried my best to look neutral. im trying... Mr Searatzz. I am.. with heavy footsteps, you kissed my cheeks, turned around for that one last look at me..and you Left....
You took a part of me with you from that moment... Its hard, Mr Searatzz.. this time, it was unbearable.. Oh Allah, give me strength to pull thru this one as you have given me countless times before. Tears rolled and are still rolling down my cheeks since yesterday. You have been my pillar of love and support, mr searatzz. I will be strong for you thruout these uncertain times and I will not cry again if my tears cause you pain... (you noe im cengeng rite!)
Mr Searatzz.. till we meet again in 2 months time . I be there wating for you at Marina South or Sembawang.." ABSENCE MAKES THE HEART GROW FONDER.." they say.
I say its true... I miss you sooo very much, mr Searatzz... Pls come back soon.. *Sob..sob*
Labels: LosT....
babe we are here for you k... me and my vio.
thanks gurly... lucky to hav u n miss Vio around. Muuaaxxx!!
Ah yelah...
Abih aku duduk kat boot ke per?!
Hmmph!! *jeling*
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