lazeee.. is the middle name.. i see my frens writing on daily basis, like a bit jeles la.. so im updating. ok ive got some pix to put up.. so it can well explain my disappearance.
yes.. im geared up for Ain's wedding. Just on standby mode. hopefully work doesnt come in the
way.. Mr searatzz on 1 month leave now..FInally.. time to get him to sit down and finalize certain things.
Men are weirdos... anyhows.. my miss machik is preggie!! goodness.. im preparing for her birth now.. intending to buy baskets and tissues and wire gauze..blah..blah.. im a nervous mummy... she's an angry mummy... garang giler..sumer org dia bedal.. aku peduli ape..nakal sgt. i let her sleep in her cage.. oh boy.. mama's screaming and psychoing me to get her out of the house but kesian kan.. da la bunting abe tinggal kan dia mcm tu... thats evil... so here i am jadi bidan terjun..reading on how to prepare for your tabby's birth.soo nervous.. i just hope all's ok..poor machiik.. anyone want her babies.. let me know ok?? Fatty mamuns getting lazier by the day.. i realized he likes johnson & johnson shower foam in peach flavour..hahhaha
well.. he's FOREVER shitting and peeing... (i actually asked him if he eats laxative on daily basis or something but he just stares at me with that haughty look on his face, that bontot kan aku..wakkaka)
had a day off yesterday but.... it was so not an off day..but at least i got some rest.phewww... okla i donno wat to write so i'll just put the pix on this mail ah..

Dat's mine .. minus 1 rut bir of course..
sedaaaaaappp nyeeerrr.... Miss Mokkies & Achrung.
my no.1 fans
My fansssss can;t get enuff or me..the one at the corner(in grey) is a new species of aborigine found in Batam
Operations .....