Get It...!
ok let me get straight to the point....
it is very sad for me to know that somethings going on and its all been communicated thru by blogs and luahan perasaan n stuff...
listen up..
1. if u have something to say. Just say it point blank in the face.
2. Do not EVER assume.We didnt feel anything wrong. y the sudden feeling of outcasted when
there were times that we didnt contact one anther for periods of time??
3. I do not LIKE to pry into my friends relationship/marriage etc. If you would like to share
with me. I am all ears. If you wish to keep it a secret, its your wish. I respect it EVEN
THOUGH i heard Thru SOME-ELSE. As long as you feel n think that YOUR decision is a fren Im always behind to give the matter good or bad.Its YOUR life
so who am i to judge and comment?? i learnt my lesson on this a long time back.. so let it rest,
will ya?
4. Stop lying!! if you've done it, admit it. Dont let me find out from the person that you wanted
to "arrow". What u did was really uncalled for.. very disappointed.. coming from someone like
you. thats y we stayed away. we were disappointed thats all.. if you can do it to others.. you
can also do it to us..
im silent because i am just leaving it as it is. im not tired... Giving up?? donno... im not confused.
i am just sad.. thats all. emptiness inside, no emotions at all when these things are being mentioned. take things as it is.. no Love lost....