
see the new skin on my blog, peeps??? yeah.. yeah.. well, thats thanks to our dear Friend, who loves me too much.. Mdm Kamal..!!! ehhehehheheh.... yes, she helped me design and rearrange the whole thing as she says, " Nurul, blog ko sucks!" and memang betul ah dia cakap.aku kan mcm PEMALS gitu bila part nak edit2 ni sumer. Well, i have to learn how to change things and stuffs round here.
Oh.. My littlest cat, ma-kweet is sick since saturaday. tido je after mokkies mandikan dia.smalam aku balik, she wasnt in my room or on my bed, she slept pat bawah katil fariq. n she looked soo fragile.. Poor,poor Ma-kweet. I cried and cried and cried. mak aku kater aku da gila. Kucing sakit melalak mcm nak rak, dia sakit aku buat dek.. hahhaha.. but u cant blame me. Ma-Kweet has a special place in my heart cos shes just too cute and has that "anything goes" kinda look. and she has a weird hobby. cathcing all the roaches that she finds and puts it in the living room. Live ones. ok big or small.. shes there to exterminate them. i gave her panadols to eat n glucose strawberry flavor to drink.. but dia blum baik lagi.. aku takut dia mati.. Don leave me Ma-kweet!! well, mamuns is helping me look after her.. yeah, looking after her means Sleeping by her Basket, biasala Mamuns. Missy.. shes still jealous over Makweet but she checks on the little one, once in a while...
hahahhahha..... tomorow i wanna bring her to the vet. poor sweetie already has a health booklet. aku nak nangis nie.. ok la i better finish up my work.i wana go home n see Ma-Kweet..
Oh.. My littlest cat, ma-kweet is sick since saturaday. tido je after mokkies mandikan dia.smalam aku balik, she wasnt in my room or on my bed, she slept pat bawah katil fariq. n she looked soo fragile.. Poor,poor Ma-kweet. I cried and cried and cried. mak aku kater aku da gila. Kucing sakit melalak mcm nak rak, dia sakit aku buat dek.. hahhaha.. but u cant blame me. Ma-Kweet has a special place in my heart cos shes just too cute and has that "anything goes" kinda look. and she has a weird hobby. cathcing all the roaches that she finds and puts it in the living room. Live ones. ok big or small.. shes there to exterminate them. i gave her panadols to eat n glucose strawberry flavor to drink.. but dia blum baik lagi.. aku takut dia mati.. Don leave me Ma-kweet!! well, mamuns is helping me look after her.. yeah, looking after her means Sleeping by her Basket, biasala Mamuns. Missy.. shes still jealous over Makweet but she checks on the little one, once in a while...
hahahhahha..... tomorow i wanna bring her to the vet. poor sweetie already has a health booklet. aku nak nangis nie.. ok la i better finish up my work.i wana go home n see Ma-Kweet..
Labels: ma kweet