Waat Tell-ah Happen-ded!?

Random Tales from a Cat LuRveR whose trying very hard to find a dark,quiet place for Moi Preggie cat in the house.... Good Luck to Moi Self.. HAH!!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Mama's Best-est Fren.......

Its been more than a year but it felt like yesterday.
I love you, Papa.. We miss you very much!!


Slamat TinggaL Sayang.......

You returned yesterday morning and you left this afternoon.. yet again .. now to rescue the underwater cables back in Taiwan.

30hrs.. thats the timeframe we had. As I kissed your hand, u kissed mine and look me deep in the eyes and said, " I'll come home to you,Dear. Its gonna be November real soon." You didnt see my sunken,swollen eyes behind the sunglasses. I blinked back my tears , tried my best to look neutral. im trying... Mr Searatzz. I am.. with heavy footsteps, you kissed my cheeks, turned around for that one last look at me..and you Left....

You took a part of me with you from that moment... Its hard, Mr Searatzz.. this time, it was unbearable.. Oh Allah, give me strength to pull thru this one as you have given me countless times before. Tears rolled and are still rolling down my cheeks since yesterday. You have been my pillar of love and support, mr searatzz. I will be strong for you thruout these uncertain times and I will not cry again if my tears cause you pain... (you noe im cengeng rite!)

Mr Searatzz.. till we meet again in 2 months time . I be there wating for you at Marina South or Sembawang.." ABSENCE MAKES THE HEART GROW FONDER.." they say.

I say its true... I miss you sooo very much, mr Searatzz... Pls come back soon.. *Sob..sob*


Monday, September 24, 2007

2 peas in a pod.. one with borrowed make up kits..hahhahha...



SAKITnyer...!!! im in major pain here... thanks to the sprain that i have. i sprained my back.. vewy, vewy nice.. had one earlier on but recovered after 2 wks of sleepless nites, painkillers n sorts. Thank God for the invention of the I-Pamper and KOYOK cap Tiger Balm.. but this time those 2 things don work!!!
was in da toilet, bending down to fetch something and i coughed.. a Bluhdy MIGHTY cough and then WHAM! . aku tak lei bgn... aaarrgggghhhhh!! cudnt even stand up nor walk cos there was this sharp pain that literally knocks me out.. i wanted to cry soo much but i braved myself. had an appoinmnt wif mum n da rest of da Big Mommas at Picket & Rail. so cant disappoint them somehow i kept praying that i wouldnt get paralyzed.Yikes...! ok i have a very far fetched kinda mind.very da long way thinking.wakkakkakka.....
and so i managed to drag myself out of da house, grabbed a cab (wat else?) n rushed to Mamabecks house as all da BIg Mommas went to her house after their bi weekly sat-morning-Geylang-Pasar-Trip. spent 3 hrs at P & R shopping for my sofa covers. It has to be changed.. da littles kitties at home are on da highway to mutilating my sofa covers.. i think they added quite a few designs on the hand rest... aku rasa they wanna give it a reggae look.. long threads sticking out on the sides n stuff... very ambitious and creative, both of them. No matter wat da Big Mommas complain abt them, i think they are really smart catss.... bolei top class diorang ah if they go to any Cats' Skool , u noe...
hahhahhah... aku rasa ku ni da tak betul.. its da pain la.driving me super crazy. ohhh.. Mr Sea-Ratzz just called.. n I cried...boohoo..hoo... he gave me a short email last 5 days which i think contained CRAP. said was coming back today. n i was soo soo anxious n excited dat i got all worked up.. coz he didnt write after.hes reaching tomorrow morning.. to stay for 24hrs.. the heart is heavy again.. i think its really a big test to our relationship... but im happy as long as the Sea ratzz is happy...
im gonna go docs in a short while to get some painkillers or cream of watever just to get these gnawing pain away... hey guys.. how do we put pixes in??? im sooo zzzttuuupppeeedddd....


Thursday, September 20, 2007

WaAh!!! KEnCaNg SeyYYY...!!!

wakakkakaka.....!!! kengkawan sumer!! aku da maju seyyy.. ada blog sendiri sak.. wooohhoooo!!

ni la first entry-ku di alam siber. cewah.. im talking as if im soo good in malay but i think its a commendable effort on my part.hahhahaha....

ive gotta thank my geng for encouraging me to write. u see the trouble is .. its the brain. it moves at the speed of lightning but the fingers..nah.. they move like a mule, u noe..LEms to da BABs.
hahahhahah.. so the idea is always put off. hari nie is Friday and im in orange. Happy happy.. mata mcm Sultan Pahang. all darky and droopy and its all coz of who else ah?? Don pretend k.. lucky the Achar sleeping when i got back home..hahhaha..

so wat shud i write?? sad stories, happy ones, PMS-es ones, kutuk ones blablablah... i think blogs shud come from the heart. or watevers in my mind.ok, so wats on my mind now? hmmmmm..... let me see.. its Ramadhan. Im forever missing my dear searat. y u never reply my email ah? must be dat Timmon. Forever hypergenerating excess work in da middle of the sea. Bleeaattzz..

My dearest Leps Gengs, who have always been the bestest geng-sters ever.so anyone found out the title of da song that Jamal abdillah sang for Raja Ema?? hahhaha... we are all in our mid-ages. with the hail amir,p-ramlee and the jiwa retaks songs entertaining us while in da Kecik's Vio. i'm smiling while im writing this. Mr Searats will definitely sail even longer and more often if he reads this...hahhahaha.. Im definitely njoying myself with da Leps gang wen he's out there somewhere.

okla..im gonna preview this entry. i cant wait to see it.. Eh, LEPS gengs.. amcm? Ok?? kekkekekeke....
